Музей истории города Чирчик

Chirchik City History Museum

Ritual vessel

Muse - decorative dish

Museum of the history of the city of Chirchik

Museum of the history of the city of Chirchik

  • Opening times
    Opening times

    Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 16.00

  • Contact us
    Contact us

    Тел: (70) 716-34-51

  • Address

    Tashkent region, Chirchik city, Ulkashunoslik street, 14.

3d exhibitions of museum

3d exhibitions of museum

Exhibitions of



Ossuary IV-VII century


Brown bear


Landscape - Author Ruzi Chariev 1980

16th January, 2024

In Enlidilk, information can be obtained through a QR-CODE scanner at the Chirchik City History Museum.

Now you can get information about the objects you are interested in, by scanning the QR CODE of objects Chirchik city historical museum. Currently, some objects are QR-CODED, while others are scanned and QR coded.  

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21st August, 2023

June 1 – International Children’s Day

On the occasion of the “International Children’s Day” on June 1, the Chirchik City Historical Museum presented a festive program. Pupils of the 33rd MTM of the city of Chirchik watched with interest the performance of the puppet theater “Fairy Tale Turnip”, adapted to our national traditions, staged by the museum staff. At the end […]

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